Monday, February 7, 2011

Mascara Wars!!

Okay. Seriously y'all.

I've been needing a new mascara. I've been eyeing two Maybelline mascaras for a while. They were having a super awesome sale at my local CVS this week so I bought them both!! Yay!!! They both normally cost about the same.

1st up:


This is the one that... Well... Duh... Is supposed to give you the look of false lashes. It comes with a spoon brush style wand.

It's supposed to follow the line of your lashes. The angle I'm showing to make sure you can see the spoon shape doesn't let you see the bristles. Here's a face view of the wand.

Lots of good sized bristles and as you can see it's very shiney on the brush.

When I put it on I immediately saw a falsies affect. Effect... Affect... Whatever. I'd read alot of reviews on that it didn't make them look fake at all but I totally had that look right away. Just goes to show nothing is ever one size fits all.

I took these pictures with absolutely no make up on what so ever so that you could really see the lashes well.


One by One:

This ones claim to fame is to really grab each lash and separate them. The wand is really bendy and has alot of stiff bristle type rubber pieces.

I have to say I thought I was going to like this wand alot more than the Falsies one because it just looks alot cleaner... But I really think the spoon brush thing did a better job.

Again... Naked face. With this one I had to build up the mascara alot more to see any effect. I guess I have more lashes visable with the One by One but I feel like the Falsies was more of BOOM BOOM POW mascara. I guess it really just depends on the look you are going for.

Both of these are only one coat as I almost never apply a second coat of mascara. I think my lashes are clump prone so I just avoid the second coat at all costs.

I really like both mascaras. I would have no problem recommending either of them to a friend. However if I could only buy one... I'd get the Falsies. I just feel like it was more dramatic and noticeable. Here is a side by side:

Left side of pic: One by One

Right side of pic: Falsies.

Here is no mascara:

That is such a scary ugly nasty pic of my face!!! But I feel like it let's you the lashes best.

Now run to WalMart and buy some mascara!!

- Posted using BlogPress from Sarah's iPhone

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